Version 0.04 is LIVE!

Hey everyone! Charles here.

Welcome to version .04 of The Weird: The TTRPG! The biggest update included in this version of the game is the addition of the final five classes we are including in the game! Below is a list of all the changes made from version 0.03 to 0.04

Now, you’ll notice that The Scientist and The Experiment do not have any starting items. The reason for that is how much more advanced these classes are compared to our other classes in the game.

Instead of bringing these classes more in line with the others in a future update, all classes will be beefed up as a part of v0.05! I’ll have more information down the road as we get closer to that update, but the goal is for players to have many more unique experiences with classes to fit their play style. Exciting Stuff!

Now onto the NOTES.

Version 0.04 - Updates

  • Added five new classes to the game! (Keep in mind that all classes outside of “The Fed” and “The Eccentric” are Patreon exclusives until the full release of the game.)
    • The Waitstaff
    • The Scientist
    • The Experiment
    • The Con Artist
    • The Hunter
  • Updated the Table Of Contents for obvious reasons.
  • Updated Tags page for clarification, added notes about additional tags.
  • Updated Mend roll
  • Updated basic mechanics as players could theoretically roll lower than a 1 with negative modifiers
  • Updated Game Design Roadmap Page
  • Updated Thank You Page, including Kamijace as a playtester, and also added a link to the page as a call to action for our One-Shot.
  • Added Roll Table to God Box page for inspiration.
  • Removed “Upcoming Classes” page
  • Added blank page to separate Playbooks and Game Design Roadmap for clarification


The Weird TTRPG Book v0.04 itch.pdf 652 kB
Sep 20, 2022

Get The Weird: A PbtA TTRPG

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